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COVID-19 sparked increased food concerns for Southwestern Colorado. Food assistance providers have seen need for their services increase anywhere from 4 to 10 times over, and grocery store shelves have been unusually bare. Bring in mini gardens! Food for All is a partnership between the Good Food Collective, Manna, Pine River Shares, and  Pine River Garden Club that has produced over 50 gardening kits to distribute across La Plata and Montezuma Counties. The kits include everything needed to get growing - a small raised garden bed, quality soil, seeds and seedlings, and educational materials and resources (including community gardening connections). Looking to finally begin gardening? Get a full kit! Have your beds set up but need a few tips? Tap into the educational resources! 

While beds are reserved for folks struggling with gardening start-up costs, gardeners of all experience levels and interests are encouraged to grow their own backyard bounty and increase our region's local production, resiliency, and sun-infused wellbeing! Let's grow now, grow more, and grow to share!

Show Us How You Grow!



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Thank You!

To the partners and donors that made Food for All possible!

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We appreciate you!!
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