Community Harvest Program
Gleaning is the art of harvesting fruits and veggies that would otherwise go to waste, from local backyards and farms, in order to connect them with bellies that need and want them!
We've wrapped up our Community Harvest Program for the 2024 season.
Check back here in Spring 2025 to list your fruit tree and harvest fruit!

Glean with the Good food collective
Reduce food waste, save bears, feed community
Fruit trees, galore! Our region is full of them, and often times these trees produce way more fruit than a tree-owner can handle. The Good Food Collective coordinates ways our community can share the bounty! ​
Where does gleaned
fruit go?

Here's how it works​
Harvest Opportunities
DIY Gleaning
Use our Do-It-Yourself Gleaning resources to get together with a small group to harvest fruit for yourself and your community!
First, use our Fruit Tree Registry to find available fruit; then, check out our Harvest How-To Guides; next, rent harvest equipment with our Harvest Kit Rental Program; and finally...go get that fruit!
Community Gleans
Keep your eyes open for gleaning events organized around building community, feeding people, and reducing food waste!
Tree owners and volunteers keep what they want, and the rest is donated to pig farmers, cideries, and/or food banks across the region!
Custom Group Gleans​
Schedule a Custom Group Glean, facilitated by GFC staff, with your co-workers, community organization, group of friends, etc. Snack on yummy fruit, learn about your local food system, and socialize outdoors with pals!
Contact us at info@goodfoodcollective.org to schedule your group glean!